November 29, 2014

You saw the Den Flags and you know about the Sixer Challenges from Diwali night, but how do I give the Cubs their challenges while in their Sixs? I packed pencil cases with all of the basic items to help the Sixers and Seconders start the night while Scouters are busy directing new Cubs, answering parents questions or setting up for program.

Cub Scout Sixer Bags

In each bag there is a small 50 page lined note pad, pencil, a felt bag for dues, an envelope with their challenge and a roll of coloured electrical tape. The note pad gets used for completing the challenges, relaying messages or just playing a game while the Six is waiting for their program. The electrical tape can be used to mark the Cubs items, do basic repairs, and in crafts. There’s also the Duty Six bone that gets tucked into one of the Sixer bags.

And I know what you’re thinking and yes, it is a real bone. A Scouter I had the pleasure of working with in Maple Ridge picked it up from a butcher when we didn’t like telling a Cub during Grand Howl (often the first time I’d have a chance to talk to them) that they were to be the duty Six. It wasnt’ until working with Elsie Roy that I came up with using the Six Bag and hiding the bone instead of handing it over to the Duty Six during inspection.

I tuck the into the Sixer bag because the Sixers are curious if they get to do Grand Howl. They are also curious if there’s a challenge. It encourages gathering and team work.

I also have found that the Six bags are a GREAT way of returning items that belong to the Cubs in the Six. When getting my part of the program ready, it’s super easy to tuck a mini baggie into the Six Bag labeled with the Cub’s name and have the Sixer automatically return the forgotten item to the Cub.

How do you gather your Six’s before Grand Howl? Do you use a Six bag?


November 29, 2014

November 30, 2014



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